Thursday, September 11, 2014

iPad Student Homepage -

Tap on the image below to connect to a YouTube video explaining how I set up the homepage on the student's iPads.

 Click on image to go to YouTube

Including Parents - Videos and Social Stories

Including parents...

During our Parent Information Night/Curriculum and Class Sneak Peek I asked the parents to record a short video greeting for their children.  The parents were a bit skidish at first, much more hesitant than their children.  Its amazing how the children have little inhibition and dive into this technology like fish to water.

The following day the children were delighted to see and hear their parents videos of encouragment and love.  

Having their parents digitally with them during those first few weeks was comforting and fun for most the children and they played them over and over.  We will leave it them on for as long as possible.

I am thinking this would be an effective tool for those children who need social story support - to record video of the social story that they can then replay.  Or words of support, encouragement, directions for challenging social situations.

Baby Steps

Baby Steps (aka Gradual Release)

First lessons ... Home Button and Smile!

It was like Christmas in September as we unpacked and handed out the iPads to the students.  I was impressed by how the children were so respectful of the device and how thrilled for this 1:1 opportunity (okay, my excitement may have been a bit contagious).

In my mind, I anticipated I would need all sort of guidelines and contracts, etc., but reality has shown me that the consequence of losing ones' privilege was (and continues to be) the only and most powerful motivation for proper use of the iPad.

The lesson looked something like this:

iPads Arrive and Setup

Feels like we were given a gift as the cart filled with 24 iPad minis arrived today.

Cart: Anthro


  • Small Footprint, no time in setup (Thanks NSD Tech Team)
  • Nice long electric cord with place to wrap any extra cord
  • Door swings around to the side of cart so it is not obstructive
  • Plenty of slots that are wide and tall enough to comfortably fit iPad with cover
  • Rollers and locks - easy to move around room
  • Opens only from one side
  • No way to remove a group at a time, slows down collection and cleanup
  • Slots are not numbered*
  • Labeled but not permanent
  • Lock is tight fit, can be a challenge to work open
*Workaround - I used electrical tape and markers and labeled the slots



  • Seem durable
  • Clean looking
  • Sleek
  • Tight fitting
  • Bulky tabs covering outlets, volume, ear phone jacks, camera, home button, on/off/sleep button
  • Screen cover is thick and forces user to try a couple of times to launch apps and on some it is very challenging to launch Airdrop from a bottom swipe aspect due to the case getting in the way.  This slows down productivity as students get frustrated and I have to intervene and support.
  • Flap for camera too difficult to work for Kindergartners -we removed them.
  • Overall not a friendly case for young users

iPads: 24 ipad mini's with cases

  • THEY ARE iPADS (okay I am biased)
  • iPad minis preconfigured with standard default apps
  • Covers are industrial strength and fit snugly
  • iPads and covers fit easily in cart
  • First one out of the slot I tried to find the camera and POP off came the flap that covered the lens and it was TOUGH to access. First question:  "Can I remove them?"  YES!

Going 1:1 iPads in September 2014

There is an exciting change  for my Kindergarten instruction - we will be piloting 1:1 iPads.

Vision:  Enhance and enrich instruction and application of knowledge with use of  mobile apps and internet resources.  Redefine ways student receive and apply knowledge by providing technology resources.  The focus will be on using apps that are CREATION based, i.e., presentation, video, collaboration whiteboard rather than CONTENT based apps that provide a game style practice of knowledge.

Goal:  All students will meet or exceed CCSS grade level expectations.

Measure: We will know this was successful based on summative and  formative assessments.  We will also compare sample of work created with use of technology modalities vs. samples  of student's work from year prior when the use of this technology was not available.

Hardware Configuration

24 iPad minis with covers
1 iPad Air with cover for teacher
1 Anthro. Synching and Charging cart
1Apple TV setup for projecting teacher student iPad interaction
Reflection (on Mac laptop)

Apps (Creation):

  • iPad camera (photos and video creation)
  • 30 Hands presentation (create video presentations)
  • StoryKit (create book style journals with photos, drawing, text)
  • Book Creator (create journals in writing, math, science, social studies)
  • Smartboard whiteboard app (collaborative whiteboard)
  • Talkboard (collaborative whiteboard)
  • EduCreation (recording whiteboard)
  • MoMA (create illustrations)
  • Tiny PDF (annotate PDF files and use as modified Activboard)
  • Suite of math manipulative tools (use to solve and show math thinking)
  1. Geoboard
  2. Number Pieces
  3. Number Line
  4. Number Rack
  • QR Reader and Creator (used to view screencast directions for independent work, used for self correction of work during independent work time)
Apps (Content) 

  • Raz-Kids (online ebooks and quizzes with extensive on-demand reporting)
  • Writing Wizard (letter formation practice)
  • Montessori Wizard: word work practice with use of magnetic letters
  • ABC Ninja
  • 123 Ninja
  • Teach Me Kindergarten:suite of Flashcards practice in reading, word work, sight words and math
  • Learning websites: use HANDY WEBSITE LINKS on class website to listen to stories, practice reading, word work, math and science i.e., Starfall,, Happy Numbers, FOSS Science Weather, Wood and Paper and Animals 2x2